How to Make Stickers in Cricut Design Space

Ever wanted to design your own stickers in Cricut Design Space? Here’s how!

Use colours, pattern fills, images and uploaded graphics to create fun Halloween stickers that will cut into perfect circles with your Cricut.

The finished stickers can be used to seal candy bags for Halloween, or you could even use the stickers themselves as a fabulous non-candy Halloween gift!

Halloween stickers made with Cricut

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How to design circular stickers in Cricut Design Space

Watch this video to find out how to design your own stickers in Cricut Design Space.

In the video above, I mention a separate video on how to print-and-cut with your Cricut. Find my print-and-cut Cricut tutorial here.


Cricut sticker design resources

Here are the patterns and images that I uploaded as part of the video above:

The other patterns and graphics I used all came from Cricut Access and they can be found within Design Space.

Pattern fill in Cricut Design Space

In the video I show you how to add custom pattern fills to shapes to make the backgrounds for your stickers.

If you’d like to learn more about pattern fills in Design Space, including how to change the size and positioning of the patterns then you may find this video helpful:

This video also shows you how to add photos as pattern fills. That’s right – you could create stickers of your photos! Wouldn’t that be awesome?

I hope you enjoyed this collection of resources on how to design circular stickers in Cricut Design Space.

Happy crafting,
Sarah x