Free “I’ll Put a Spell on You” Layered SVG for Halloween

It’s time for another free layered Halloween SVG! This five-layer design says “I’ll put a spell on you” and there are pictures of a black cat, potion bottle, candle and bats surrounding the wording.

This is a fun layered design which is fairly simple to stick together.

The free Halloween cutting file comes in SVG, DXF and PNG file formats. If you’re using a Cricut machine then you need to upload the SVG version into Design Space.

The layers on the design come together beautifully to create a 3D effect.

Layered Spell SVG | Craft with Sarah

How to cut layered spell Cricut file

This layered Halloween SVG has five layers.

I used a pale blue for the bottom layer, a slight darker blue for the spider web layer on top, then a pale grey, red and finally a black layer. There are a few little bits of yellow in there too!

If you aren’t sure how to make this file, check out this video tutorial:

I cut the sample you can see in the pictures at about 7 inches tall.

I'll put a spell on you layered SVG

You can certainly make it larger than that, and you could make it smaller to probably around 4 or 5 inches in height, but I wouldn’t recommend going much smaller as the cuts in some of the layers will become quite small and difficult for your Cricut to cut.

Download the Free Cutting File

You may sell finished, handmade physical craft items that you have made using this product but must not sell or share the digital files. Read full terms of use

When you assemble this design, start with Layer 1 and then build up the layers in numerical order using 3D foam pads or spacers to add depth.

Layered SVG spell assembly guide

How to open free layered ‘I’ll put a spell on you’ SVG in Design Space

This video shows you how to download SVGs from my website and open them in Design Space.

If you have any problems, please email sa***@cr************.com – I’m always happy to help!

Love layered SVGs? Check out my other layered 3D files

Craft with Sarah Layered Spell SVG Cutting File

Happy crafting,
Sarah x
