Easy DIY Halloween Unicorn Box Frame

Do you love Halloween AND unicorns? Combine them both in this fun Halloween unicorn box frame and fill your home with spook-tacular DIY Halloween decor.

Halloween unicorn craft frame to DIY for Halloween

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Halloween unicorn home decor project to DIY

Did you know that this DIY unicorn wall art project is THE MOST POPULAR post on this whole website?

It gets about 40% of the WHOLE WEBSITE VISITS – which is pretty darn impressive!

As you all love this unicorn box frame so much, I thought what better to kick-start 31 days of free Halloween craft projects than by making a Halloween version of this popular post?

Halloween unicorn box frame

How to make a Halloween box frame

This tutorial is pretty similar to the original one, so you can watch the video below to see all the steps for how to make the box frame.

You will need…

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Gothic unicorn art for Halloween

How to make a Halloween unicorn shadow box

  1. Print the free template onto glossy photo paper and cut it out along the border lines
  2. Use Mod Podge glue and glitter to make the horn sparkly. Do one colour at a time to stop the colours blending in to one another.
  3. Stick a selection of Halloween-coloured flower embellishments along the top of the unicorn to create a flower crown.
  4. Cut a square mount from the black glitter card to make sure your artwork will fit inside the box frame.
  5. Open up the box frame and pour in a selection of scatter crystals, sequins and glitter.
  6. Put the unicorn artwork into the frame and seal it up.
  7. Use a glue gun to stick black roses to the top left and bottom right of the outside of the frame.
  8. Finally, use your glue gun to stick some plastic spiders onto the roses for that extra bit of Halloween goodness!

Gothic unicorn shadow box for Halloween decor

Want more unicorn craft inspiration? You might want to check out this unicorn handmade card or browse this collection of unicorn crafts for kids.