Make Easy Halloween Hair Bows from Faux Leather

Make Easy Halloween Hair Bows from Faux Leather

Make adorable faux leather hair bows for Halloween with 3 free spooky hair bow cutting files and a step-by-step tutorial.

Adding hair bows to your outfit is a great way to add a bit of Halloween fun without going too “over the top”.

Keep reading to find out how to make them…

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How to make hair bows with a Cricut machine

If you’ve been following along with the Halloween Craft Countdown and watching my tutorial videos then you’ve probably noticed that I have pink hair!

This is a new thing for me – I changed from brown to pink, purple and blue (aka galaxy hair!!) back at the beginning of September.

With such funky hair colours, I wanted something EVEN MORE EXCITING to accessorize for Halloween, and thought that hair bows would be JUST the thing to add to my outfits!

These hair bows work well for children and adults, and of course you can resize them in Design Space to make them smaller or larger as needed.

Sarah with Halloween hair bows

Video tutorial for Halloween hair bows

Watch this video to see how to cut faux leather with your Cricut machine and then turn it into these spooky hair bows!

A full written tutorial, along with a link to the free hair bow SVGs, is available further down on this page.

Free Halloween hair bow SVG templates

I’ve designed three different Halloween hair bow cutting files which you can download for free:

Download the Free Cutting File

You may sell finished, handmade physical craft items that you have made using this product but must not sell or share the digital files. Read full terms of use

Halloween hair bows for Cricut machines

Materials list for Cricut faux leather hair bows

Hair bows for Halloween with crocodile clips on the back

How to make faux leather hair bows with a Cricut

Step 1) Choose your design

Download my free hair bow SVGs and open your chosen design in Design Space.

They will probably need resizing when you upload them. I find it’s best if you make the group that contains all the layers 5.8 inches in width.

Click “Make it” and select the “Faux Leather (paper thin)” material type.

Don’t forget to mirror your designs as you’ll be cutting the designs out with the leather placed pretty-side-down on the mat.

Mirror your faux leather

Step 2) Cut out the hair bow design

Cut out the hair bow design. Use a strong grip mat if you have one, but if not then a green standard grip one should work fine as long as it is still quite sticky.

Faux leather cuts best when you put the pretty side facing down on the mat.

To stop any fibres from the faux leather (or glitter, if you’re using glitter faux leather) from coming off on your mat, I like to put a piece of transfer tape sticky-side up on the mat and then stick the faux leather to that instead of the mat.

Transfer tape on Cricut mat

That way, any little bits that come off the leather don’t end up stuck on your mat – you can just peel off the transfer tape to remove it!

Add masking tape, blue painters tape or washi tape down all the sides of the faux leather before you cut it, just as an extra precaution to make sure it’s really stuck well to your mat!

TIP: To speed up the cut process, you can cut all the shapes for the bow at the same time. To do this, change all the layers to the same colour before you click “Make It” and then re-position everything spaced out on the mat so you know where to cut. Watch the tutorial video further up this post for a more detailed explanation of how to do this.

Step 3) Stick the faux leather bow shapes together

Once you’ve cut all the layers, you’ll end up with something like this:

Faux leather hair bow layers

Heat up your glue gun and select the larger of the two “bow” shapes.

Turn the faux leather upside down so that the underside is facing up, and then put some glue in the middle.

Stick one side of the bow down with a glue gun

Fold over one of the sides and glue it into the middle.

Repeat with the other side.

Stick the second side of the bow down

Follow those same steps with the smaller bow shape.

Stick both sides of the smaller bow to the middle

Glue the small bow into the middle of the larger bow.

Stick the two bow shapes together

Step 4) Wrap the bow leathers around the middle

Take the small rectangle of faux leather and wrap it around the middle of the two bows.

This is to hide the glue from sticking the bows together, and to pull the two bow shapes tightly together.

Put some glue on the back of the bows and pull the rectangle tight around it.

Add glue to the back of the bow

You’ll be left with something that looks like this…

Rectangle stuck around bow

Step 5) Add the bow shapes to the back shape

Put a little bit of glue in the middle of the back shape; for this design this is the leaf shape.

Stick the bows in the middle and press firmly until they are stuck.

Glue bows to the base layer

Step 6) Add the front embellishment

Glue the small pumpkin shape to the front of the bow.

Add the pumpkin in the middle of the hair bow

Step 7) Glue a crocodile clip to the back

When the glue you’ve already stuck on is dry, turn the bow upside down and add a strip of glue to the back.

Press a crocodile clip into the glue and hold it until the glue is dry.

Glue a crocodile clip to the back

And that’s it, your cute little hair bow is now finished!

Pair it with the other two designs to make a lovely collection for Halloween šŸ™‚

Halloween hair bow SVGs

I hope that you enjoyed this tutorial on how to make Halloween faux leather hair bows with your Cricut machine.

If you missed the links to the free SVGs, scroll up to the section called “Free Halloween hair bow SVG templates” to find the links.

Happy crafting,
Sarah x
