A 3D lantern design of a female gnome.
The lantern goes together using a clever slot-together technique which means that the "lantern structure" part doesn't require any glue.
This means that it can easily be taken apart so that it can be stored flat.
Add battery-powered fairy lights, battery candles or submersible LED lights inside the lantern to create a beautiful glow.
Use vellum, tracing paper or other transclucent materials to cut the windows to go inside the window panels. This helps to diffuse the light for a more even glue and help to hide the lighting mechanisms.
An assembly guide PDF document is included to show how to put the layers together for the main lantern image, plus how to add the structural pieces inside.
Links to written and video tutorials for similar lanterns are included too.
About this Product
This is a digital download product. Nothing will be physically sent to you in the post/mail.
After purchase, you will be given a link to download the files. They are all contained in one download link as a zip folder.
You must unzip the downloaded folder before you can use the files.
If you are using a phone/tablet then you may need to install an app/program to allow you to unzip files.
This product comes in four file versions: SVG, DXF, EPS and PNG. Hand-cutting and printable versions are NOT included.
For Cricut and ScanNCut machines, use the file that starts svg- in the filename.
If you have a Silhouette machine and you're using the free version of Silhouette Studio then you need to use the DXF file (starting dxf- in the filename).
If you are using any of the paid upgrades to Silhouette Studio then use the SVG file.
All Craft with Sarah customers have the opportunity to join my customer-only Facebook group where you can share your projects and get Cricut and Design Space help, including monthly LIVE Design Space training.
The product download folder contains the link to follow to join the group. This bonus is only included with paid products, not free downloads.
Please familiarize yourself with the Craft with Sarah terms of use before purchase. Purchase/download of this product assumes acceptance of and agreement to these terms.